Category: Uncategorized

The Fundamental Causes of All Disease

Welcome to the maiden voyage of the Cheap Medicine blog.  Together we will sail through the murky waters of modern medicine and discover deep below these treacherous tides that the truth has been still and ever-present.  For all those who wish to step forward and challenge the conventional methods of the mainstream medical establishment, this […]

Fundamental Disease Cause: Malnutrition

Malnutrition often conjures depressing images of starving citizens in third-world countries, yet the most common and insidious form of malnutrition is not a lack of calories but a lack of nutrients.  Food contains calories as a basic measure of energy but it’s nutrients that really rule the roost.  Vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, […]

Fundamental Disease Cause: Toxicity

Toxicity is an issue that is complicated and multifaceted.  Neither is it light and heart-warming.  The simple fact is our bodies and the body of Mother Earth are heavily burdened with chemicals, radiations, and negative thoughts.  Thousands of new petrochemical and food additives are unleashed every year.  Massive networks or wireless and satellite data transmissions […]

Fundamental Disease Cause: Trauma

For the last several years, the last page of the intake form at our clinic has written on it, “Have you experienced any major traumas?”  Interestingly enough the most common response to that question is no.  The next most common response is the notating of a motor vehicle collision.  Following that is a response detailing […]

Raw Milk

I arrived at our state capital in Madison this past Wednesday to share my thoughts with Representative David Craig and Senator Mary Lazich on S.B. 108, a piece of legislation developed to decriminalize the sale of raw milk.  At those exact moments that I was articulating the need for this legislation, the CDC was putting […]