Category: Uncategorized

Food Sovereignty

The ability to choose foods with which to nourish yourself is a fundamental human right, explicitly sanctioned in U.S. and state constitutions as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We acknowledge food freedom to such an extent that it is legal to commit slow suicide at the bottom of a fast […]

Modern Allopathic Medicine: The New Religion

Prior to the protestant reformation, the Catholic church held much power and persuasion over the western world.  As the exclusive keepers of knowledge, they preached the one path to salvation.  Poor and illiterate, the common folk accepted, on faith, not only the principles of their religion but the stewards of its tenants, the hierarchy of […]

Lean Muscle and Weight Loss

There is an important corollary to our ongoing discussion on weight loss that needs special attention here.  Fundamentally, obesity is a symptom of metabolic derangement.  You can’t go long eating a diet full of processed high-carb foods before the “fuel injection system” of your body breaks down.  Eating in this way shifts your body away from maintaining lean […]

Knowledge Speaks But Wisdom Listens

Different writers on holistic health all have their way of carving up the different faculties of human consciousness.  Some favor the standard model of mind, body, and emotions.  Some are willing to recognize the spiritual dimension and thus add that into the mix.  Still others, like myself, recognize how tightly knitted the body and mind are to one […]

The Case Against Statins Part 1: Lipid Hypothesis

I have deep concerns about the widespread use of statins and an even deeper skepticism regarding the logic from which they are prescribed.  The basic theory goes like this: cholesterol comes from your diet and your body makes it, misbehaving cholesterol clogs your arteries, clogged arteries leads to heart attacks, strokes, and ultimately an untimely […]

Cheap Weight Loss Part 3: Hormones

We previously examined how calories ingested does not equate with life sustaining nutrition for the body and how that lack of nutrition promotes a strong sensation of malnourishment, further encouraging you to eat more.  Another factor to consider is the metabolic impact of the food itself.    Some foods trigger weight gain while some promote […]

The Case Against Statins Part 2: Trans-Fats

Having established that lipid hypothesis does not square with either traditional wisdom or lipid science, we can begin to answer the question of what does cause heart disease and determine whether statins correct this imbalance. Oxidized cholesterol is the middle man in heart disease, clogging arteries and dramatically increasing clot and stroke potential.  One of […]

The Cure for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and multi-faceted disorder.  In treating patients over the years who've come into the office with this diagnosis, I have observed a wide variety in the signs and symptoms that get lumped under this label.  Helping these patients takes considerable clinical discernment as there is no single presentation (and therefore treatment) that […]

The Case Against Statins Part 3: The Mechanism of Heart Disease

In the last post we explored how trans fats are an underlying cause of inflammation that sets the stage for heart disease, a fact that is fairly well documented.  To be clear, rancid or oxidized oils that contain trans fats are themselves not the direct source of endogenous oxidized cholesterol (despite the similar name) and […]