Tag: stress

Fundamental Disease Cause: Toxicity

Toxicity is an issue that is complicated and multifaceted.  Neither is it light and heart-warming.  The simple fact is our bodies and the body of Mother Earth are heavily burdened with chemicals, radiations, and negative thoughts.  Thousands of new petrochemical and food additives are unleashed every year.  Massive networks or wireless and satellite data transmissions […]

Fundamental Disease Cause: Trauma

For the last several years, the last page of the intake form at our clinic has written on it, “Have you experienced any major traumas?”  Interestingly enough the most common response to that question is no.  The next most common response is the notating of a motor vehicle collision.  Following that is a response detailing […]

Cheap Meditation

Having just taught a class on meditation I was reminded on how simple methods of stress reduction are the ultimate form of cheap medicine.  Being able to calm your body-mind, and prevent emotional upheavals before they arise marks a certain level of self-mastery that always equates with a strong sense of wellbeing.        […]

The Holistic Treatment of Chronic Sinus Infections

Nothing can have you feeling down in the dumps quicker and more completely than a full blown sinus infection.  Although common in spring with the rise in airborne allergens, susceptible individuals can succumb to a sinus infection any time of the year.  In its chronic state, is not uncommon for sinus infections, despite multiple courses […]

The Cure for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and multi-faceted disorder.  In treating patients over the years who've come into the office with this diagnosis, I have observed a wide variety in the signs and symptoms that get lumped under this label.  Helping these patients takes considerable clinical discernment as there is no single presentation (and therefore treatment) that […]

Reflections on the Flu

On a recent holiday trip to North Carolina to visit family I had the unfortunate fate of contracting the flu.  Although the media has been rattling the saber of a very bad flu epidemic this year, it has been a very long time since I have been ill and so I thought myself relatively immune […]

The Art of Medicine

In consulting with a new patient, the seasoned practitioner of holistic medicine will often have a clear sense of the course of treatment needed to help the patient.  Time and experience are our best teachers in this regard.  The real challenge in medicine is not simply the conveyance of information but in empowering a patient […]

Asthma and Adrenal Cortex Insufficiency

Asthma is one of the most debilitating issues common to both children and adults.  The feeling of suffocation during an acute asthma attack is frightening to all involved, quickly motivating all in attendance to implement any and all strategies to prevent a future occurrence.  Rendering the body more resilient as a means of prevention, holistic […]