Welcome to the maiden voyage of the Cheap Medicine blog. Together we will sail through the murky waters of modern medicine and discover deep below these treacherous tides that the truth has been still and ever-present. For all those who wish to step forward and challenge the conventional methods of the mainstream medical establishment, this […]
Tag: disease
Fundamental Disease Cause: Malnutrition
Malnutrition often conjures depressing images of starving citizens in third-world countries, yet the most common and insidious form of malnutrition is not a lack of calories but a lack of nutrients. Food contains calories as a basic measure of energy but it’s nutrients that really rule the roost. Vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, […]
Fundamental Disease Cause: Infections
Nobody gets out of this life without having taken on countless infectious agents into the body. Many are well served in early development as they train our young immune systems to prepare for living in an unsanitary world. The infections we are most interested in are not the acute kind (despite their debilitating or deadly […]
Fundamental Disease Cause: Toxicity
Toxicity is an issue that is complicated and multifaceted. Neither is it light and heart-warming. The simple fact is our bodies and the body of Mother Earth are heavily burdened with chemicals, radiations, and negative thoughts. Thousands of new petrochemical and food additives are unleashed every year. Massive networks or wireless and satellite data transmissions […]
Fundamental Disease Cause: Trauma
For the last several years, the last page of the intake form at our clinic has written on it, “Have you experienced any major traumas?” Interestingly enough the most common response to that question is no. The next most common response is the notating of a motor vehicle collision. Following that is a response detailing […]
The Case Against Statins Part 3: The Mechanism of Heart Disease
In the last post we explored how trans fats are an underlying cause of inflammation that sets the stage for heart disease, a fact that is fairly well documented. To be clear, rancid or oxidized oils that contain trans fats are themselves not the direct source of endogenous oxidized cholesterol (despite the similar name) and […]
Knowledge is Not Enough
It doesn’t take long for a practitioner of holistic medicine to discover that knowledge alone is not enough to make your patients well. A solid education and a few CEU classes will place most well-read practitioners in a position where they are able to offer a number of treatments and lifestyle changes that would make […]
Infections Part 1: The Landscape
Microbes have been here long before us and will likely continue to thrive long after we are gone. They are the building blocks of life on Earth and it is speculated that their evolution into more complex structures has given rise to the mitochondria organelle found throughout cells of the mammalian body. This would imply […]
Home Remedy: Gut Remodeling
“All disease begins in the gut.” These famous words spoken by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, are more important than ever for us to observe. Gut integrity and the health of the microbiome determine how our internal world is influenced by the external world. The gut processes food and drink into the building blocks […]
Home Remedy: Grounding
In a previous post on light therapy we discussed the healing power of sunlight and how we derive nourishment from the sun. Just as we require vitamin sunlight (for vitamin D, among other things) the Earth itself provides a form of nourishment that we can refer to as vitamin Earth. Traditional Chinese medicine describes two […]