Tag: trans-fats

The Cure for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and multi-faceted disorder.  In treating patients over the years who've come into the office with this diagnosis, I have observed a wide variety in the signs and symptoms that get lumped under this label.  Helping these patients takes considerable clinical discernment as there is no single presentation (and therefore treatment) that […]

The Case Against Statins Part 2: Trans-Fats

Having established that lipid hypothesis does not square with either traditional wisdom or lipid science, we can begin to answer the question of what does cause heart disease and determine whether statins correct this imbalance. Oxidized cholesterol is the middle man in heart disease, clogging arteries and dramatically increasing clot and stroke potential.  One of […]



Anyone who has given even a cursory look at headlines in natural medicine will emerge with the concept that inflammation is a key component in most all chronic degenerative diseases.  Indeed, there are a myriad of causes of inflammation affecting many body systems. Inflammation can generally be divided into two categories; acute and chronic.  Acute […]

Cheap Weight Loss Part 9: Inflammation

Cheap Weight Loss Part 9: Inflammation

When it comes to obesity, inflammation and weight gain form a vicious cycle.  Either can get the ball rolling and have an overlapping influence, further propelling metabolism toward derangement and increasing weight gain. The basic mechanism underlying this vicious cycle begins with some degree of initial weight gain.  It may start with chronic stress, sleep […]