To get the skinny on weight loss we first need to discuss what calories are and how relevant they are to a weight loss program. In short, a calorie is a unit of energy; scientifically measured as the amount of energy in a food that can raise the temperature of one gram of water by […]
Tag: sugar
Cheap Weight Loss Part 3: Hormones
We previously examined how calories ingested does not equate with life sustaining nutrition for the body and how that lack of nutrition promotes a strong sensation of malnourishment, further encouraging you to eat more. Another factor to consider is the metabolic impact of the food itself. Some foods trigger weight gain while some promote […]
The Cure for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a complex and multi-faceted disorder. In treating patients over the years who've come into the office with this diagnosis, I have observed a wide variety in the signs and symptoms that get lumped under this label. Helping these patients takes considerable clinical discernment as there is no single presentation (and therefore treatment) that […]
Two Rules for Weight Loss
I just finished reading an inspiring letter in the recent Spring 2012 issue of Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation. This contribution by Ron Buch from Woodbridge, Virginia is a great example of how lowering carbs and eliminating processed foods is the “slow […]
Stress, Sugar, Sleep, and Your Adrenals
One uncompromising axiom of cheap medicine is less stress and more sleep, and the two are very much related. The topic of sleep will require multiple blog posts to cover but we can begin by talking about adrenal health and how weak adrenals set the stage for poor sleep, chronic inflammation, fatigue, and pain. Researcher […]
The Holistic Treatment of Chronic Sinus Infections
Nothing can have you feeling down in the dumps quicker and more completely than a full blown sinus infection. Although common in spring with the rise in airborne allergens, susceptible individuals can succumb to a sinus infection any time of the year. In its chronic state, is not uncommon for sinus infections, despite multiple courses […]
Gluten, Gut Bugs, and Cortisol – Oh My!
In the last post we explored the curious and complex world of digestion. Having completed that primer, we can discuss some common conditions that compromise gut function. Specific to the small intestine are two very insidious pathologies that can develop over the course of years but seemingly manifest with symptoms overnight. These conditions are dysbiosis […]
The Great Blood Sugar Balancing Act
High blood sugar is the scourge of our times, playing a major role in most all of the chronic degenerative diseases from which we suffer. Elevated blood sugar can be effectively controlled with appropriate diet changes, stress reduction, and moderate exercise. The most obvious end result of high blood sugar is type II diabetes or […]
Osteoarthritis Part 3: Treating the Root Cause
In the last two posts we viewed osteoarthritis through the lens of inflammation, poor circulation, and calcification as dominant and overlapping disease processes. A genetic predisposition (family history) or arthritis can accentuate these causes, but like most all chronic disease, it takes lifestyle and environmental factors to express arthritis in its most painful and debilitating […]
A Thanksgiving Experiment
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and since I haven’t been up all night shopping Black Friday sales, I have the energy to relate my Thanksgiving experiment. It was our first time as a family hosting a holiday meal and we put a lot of effort (my wife mostly) into designing a menu that would be […]