Tag: infection

The Holistic Treatment of Chronic Sinus Infections

Nothing can have you feeling down in the dumps quicker and more completely than a full blown sinus infection.  Although common in spring with the rise in airborne allergens, susceptible individuals can succumb to a sinus infection any time of the year.  In its chronic state, is not uncommon for sinus infections, despite multiple courses […]

Reflections on the Flu

On a recent holiday trip to North Carolina to visit family I had the unfortunate fate of contracting the flu.  Although the media has been rattling the saber of a very bad flu epidemic this year, it has been a very long time since I have been ill and so I thought myself relatively immune […]

Thirsty For Health

If you have read the previous post on hydration, you will know that drinking too much water can be as problematic as consuming too little.  Nonetheless, our bodies do require the proper amount of fresh water as well as a clean source of water to cook with.  We must therefore be as vigilant accessing unpolluted […]