Tag: immune system

The Holistic Treatment of Chronic Sinus Infections

Nothing can have you feeling down in the dumps quicker and more completely than a full blown sinus infection.  Although common in spring with the rise in airborne allergens, susceptible individuals can succumb to a sinus infection any time of the year.  In its chronic state, is not uncommon for sinus infections, despite multiple courses […]

Infections Part 1: The Landscape

Microbes have been here long before us and will likely continue to thrive long after we are gone.  They are the building blocks of life on Earth and it is speculated that their evolution into more complex structures has given rise to the mitochondria organelle found throughout cells of the mammalian body.  This would imply […]

Infections Part 2: Treatment

After understanding the landscape of chronic infections, we need to turn our attention to strategies to boost immunity, treat the infection directly, or both.  But how do chronic infections take root to begin with?     With a robust immune system, many acute infections can be overcome efficiently, and recovery, rapid.  Such is the case […]