Tag: home

The Fundamental Causes of All Disease

Welcome to the maiden voyage of the Cheap Medicine blog.  Together we will sail through the murky waters of modern medicine and discover deep below these treacherous tides that the truth has been still and ever-present.  For all those who wish to step forward and challenge the conventional methods of the mainstream medical establishment, this […]

Home Remedy: Water Kefir

It seems not a day goes by in the clinic when I haven’t espoused the benefits of incorporating fermented foods into my patients’ diet.  Given my outspoken passion for home fermenting, I sometimes wonder if my patients think I might bubble and explode from all the probiotic rich foods and beverages I consume on a […]

Home Remedy: Sauerkraut

Teeming with life and full of bubbly deliciousness, sauerkraut is digestive vigor in a jar.  Cheap to make and easy to prepare, one head of cabbage yields about a quart of sauerkraut and trillions of beneficial bacteria to supplement your gut flora.  In addition, cabbage is high in the amino acid glutamine which is the […]