Tag: holistic

Fundamental Disease Cause: Malnutrition

Malnutrition often conjures depressing images of starving citizens in third-world countries, yet the most common and insidious form of malnutrition is not a lack of calories but a lack of nutrients.  Food contains calories as a basic measure of energy but it’s nutrients that really rule the roost.  Vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, […]

The Cure for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and multi-faceted disorder.  In treating patients over the years who've come into the office with this diagnosis, I have observed a wide variety in the signs and symptoms that get lumped under this label.  Helping these patients takes considerable clinical discernment as there is no single presentation (and therefore treatment) that […]

Knowledge is Not Enough

It doesn’t take long for a practitioner of holistic medicine to discover that knowledge alone is not enough to make your patients well.  A solid education and a few CEU classes will place most well-read practitioners in a position where they are able to offer a number of treatments and lifestyle changes that would make […]