Tag: health

Cheap Meditation

Having just taught a class on meditation I was reminded on how simple methods of stress reduction are the ultimate form of cheap medicine.  Being able to calm your body-mind, and prevent emotional upheavals before they arise marks a certain level of self-mastery that always equates with a strong sense of wellbeing.        […]

Knowledge Speaks But Wisdom Listens

Different writers on holistic health all have their way of carving up the different faculties of human consciousness.  Some favor the standard model of mind, body, and emotions.  Some are willing to recognize the spiritual dimension and thus add that into the mix.  Still others, like myself, recognize how tightly knitted the body and mind are to one […]

The pH Controversy

In nutrition circles, there is an ongoing debate about the importance of pH in the body.  In normal human physiology there are variations in acidity or alkalinity in different areas, from the strong acidity of stomach acid to an equally strong alkalinity in the small intestine where bicarbonate is released.  Your blood stays at an […]

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is an imbalance between the hormones estradiol and progesterone that correlate with a number of health challenges in both men and women.  Because these hormones play such a pivotal role in women’s health, estrogen dominance is closely associated with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.   Estimates vary, though a healthy cycling woman […]

The Microbiome

Charles Darwin, one of the early pioneers of the theory of evolution, has had his work paraphrased by stating that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.  This is an important distinction for those who misattribute the concept of “survival […]

Cheap Weight Loss Part 8: The Gut Flora Connection

In a previous post we explored the fascinating world of the microbiome – the symbiotic organisms populating the human gut which provide manifold digestive and immunological benefits.  To be optimally healthy, we must make friends with our gut flora, stop beating them down with unnecessary antibiotic drugs and cleaning agents, and give these critters an […]

Thirsty For Health

If you have read the previous post on hydration, you will know that drinking too much water can be as problematic as consuming too little.  Nonetheless, our bodies do require the proper amount of fresh water as well as a clean source of water to cook with.  We must therefore be as vigilant accessing unpolluted […]

Taking Time to Heal

Taking Time to Heal

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.6″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Time heals all wounds. This old adage alludes to the body’s self-regulating function. Simply put, wellness is your birthright, and your body is always trying to heal itself.  When embarking on a journey of healing, we need to maintain perspective […]


Currently in the United States, cancer is the cause of death of one out of every four people, and by some estimates, will increase as much as 50% by the year 2020.  Although malignancy has always been an affliction of humanity, these statistics of epidemic proportion are likely out of sync with the rates of […]