Tag: estrogen

The Thyroid: One Very Misunderstood Gland

A patient diagnosed with hypothyroidism gets a routine lab test back showing high TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) indicating her brain is signaling for more thyroid hormone.  Instead of increasing the dosage of her natural thyroid or investigating any secondary causes of the hypothyroidism, the prescribing physician puts our mutual patient on synthroid (synthetic thyroid).  Follow-up […]

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is an imbalance between the hormones estradiol and progesterone that correlate with a number of health challenges in both men and women.  Because these hormones play such a pivotal role in women’s health, estrogen dominance is closely associated with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.   Estimates vary, though a healthy cycling woman […]

Cheap Weight Loss Part 9: Inflammation

Cheap Weight Loss Part 9: Inflammation

When it comes to obesity, inflammation and weight gain form a vicious cycle.  Either can get the ball rolling and have an overlapping influence, further propelling metabolism toward derangement and increasing weight gain. The basic mechanism underlying this vicious cycle begins with some degree of initial weight gain.  It may start with chronic stress, sleep […]