Tag: decaffeinated

Coffee: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Coffee: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.6″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Coffee has been a traditional drink of equatorial peoples for hundreds of years. Its dark roasted flavor and stimulant effect have drawn countless adherents to the church of buzz and prompted the growth of a sizable market for coffee-related paraphernalia. […]