George Lucas was not too far off when he articulated the presence of an all pervasive energy permeating the universe in his movie epic Star Wars.
Tag: chinese medicine
Chinese Herbs and the Great Balancing Act
To understand how Chinese herbs balance the individual we need to introduce another concept the Chinese have held for centuries, that is, the theory of Yin and Yang.
Qigong, the Seasons, and You
The seasons have changed; nature prepares for the next phase of its cycle. As an integral part of that system, we too need to prepare. Living in harmony with nature is the core of Chinese medicine and Qigong is the most widely used, time tested practice with which to do it.
Asthma and Adrenal Cortex Insufficiency
Asthma is one of the most debilitating issues common to both children and adults. The feeling of suffocation during an acute asthma attack is frightening to all involved, quickly motivating all in attendance to implement any and all strategies to prevent a future occurrence. Rendering the body more resilient as a means of prevention, holistic […]
The pH Controversy
In nutrition circles, there is an ongoing debate about the importance of pH in the body. In normal human physiology there are variations in acidity or alkalinity in different areas, from the strong acidity of stomach acid to an equally strong alkalinity in the small intestine where bicarbonate is released. Your blood stays at an […]
The Microbiome
Charles Darwin, one of the early pioneers of the theory of evolution, has had his work paraphrased by stating that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change. This is an important distinction for those who misattribute the concept of “survival […]
Home Remedy: Grounding
In a previous post on light therapy we discussed the healing power of sunlight and how we derive nourishment from the sun. Just as we require vitamin sunlight (for vitamin D, among other things) the Earth itself provides a form of nourishment that we can refer to as vitamin Earth. Traditional Chinese medicine describes two […]
Getting the Correct Diagnoses—All of Them
I have great reverence for the scientific method and one of its beneficiaries, conventional Western medicine (immunotherapy played a role in my cancer journey). Yet conventional medicine sometimes fails to address the whole person—body, mind, spirit—through its reductionist lens. For that piece of the healing puzzle, many turn to practitioners of holistic medicine, such as naturopathy and Chinese medicine.