Tag: cause

The Fundamental Causes of All Disease

Welcome to the maiden voyage of the Cheap Medicine blog.  Together we will sail through the murky waters of modern medicine and discover deep below these treacherous tides that the truth has been still and ever-present.  For all those who wish to step forward and challenge the conventional methods of the mainstream medical establishment, this […]

Fundamental Disease Cause: Malnutrition

Malnutrition often conjures depressing images of starving citizens in third-world countries, yet the most common and insidious form of malnutrition is not a lack of calories but a lack of nutrients.  Food contains calories as a basic measure of energy but it’s nutrients that really rule the roost.  Vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, […]

Knowledge is Not Enough

It doesn’t take long for a practitioner of holistic medicine to discover that knowledge alone is not enough to make your patients well.  A solid education and a few CEU classes will place most well-read practitioners in a position where they are able to offer a number of treatments and lifestyle changes that would make […]

Osteoarthritis Part 3: Treating the Root Cause

In the last two posts we viewed osteoarthritis through the lens of inflammation, poor circulation, and calcification as dominant and overlapping disease processes.  A genetic predisposition (family history) or arthritis can accentuate these causes, but like most all chronic disease, it takes lifestyle and environmental factors to express arthritis in its most painful and debilitating […]