Tag: carbohydrates

Cheap Weight Loss Part 3: Hormones

We previously examined how calories ingested does not equate with life sustaining nutrition for the body and how that lack of nutrition promotes a strong sensation of malnourishment, further encouraging you to eat more.  Another factor to consider is the metabolic impact of the food itself.    Some foods trigger weight gain while some promote […]

Two Rules for Weight Loss

I just finished reading an inspiring letter in the recent Spring 2012 issue of Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation.  This contribution by Ron Buch from Woodbridge, Virginia is a great example of how lowering carbs and eliminating processed foods is the “slow […]

Cheap Weight Loss Part 6: Detoxification

One of the lesser utilized strategies for reaching a healthy weight is detoxification.  The three week purification program that we employ at the clinic combines three basic strategies that target weight loss.  For patients requesting guidance in weight loss, I often start with this program, which gives the metabolism a jumpstart that almost always resulting […]