I arrived at our state capital in Madison this past Wednesday to share my thoughts with Representative David Craig and Senator Mary Lazich on S.B. 108, a piece of legislation developed to decriminalize the sale of raw milk. At those exact moments that I was articulating the need for this legislation, the CDC was putting […]
Tag: benefits
Cheap Meditation
Having just taught a class on meditation I was reminded on how simple methods of stress reduction are the ultimate form of cheap medicine. Being able to calm your body-mind, and prevent emotional upheavals before they arise marks a certain level of self-mastery that always equates with a strong sense of wellbeing. […]
Home Remedy: Grounding
In a previous post on light therapy we discussed the healing power of sunlight and how we derive nourishment from the sun. Just as we require vitamin sunlight (for vitamin D, among other things) the Earth itself provides a form of nourishment that we can refer to as vitamin Earth. Traditional Chinese medicine describes two […]