Tag: bacteria

Raw Milk

I arrived at our state capital in Madison this past Wednesday to share my thoughts with Representative David Craig and Senator Mary Lazich on S.B. 108, a piece of legislation developed to decriminalize the sale of raw milk.  At those exact moments that I was articulating the need for this legislation, the CDC was putting […]

Home Remedy: Water Kefir

It seems not a day goes by in the clinic when I haven’t espoused the benefits of incorporating fermented foods into my patients’ diet.  Given my outspoken passion for home fermenting, I sometimes wonder if my patients think I might bubble and explode from all the probiotic rich foods and beverages I consume on a […]

Home Remedy: Sauerkraut

Teeming with life and full of bubbly deliciousness, sauerkraut is digestive vigor in a jar.  Cheap to make and easy to prepare, one head of cabbage yields about a quart of sauerkraut and trillions of beneficial bacteria to supplement your gut flora.  In addition, cabbage is high in the amino acid glutamine which is the […]

The Microbiome

Charles Darwin, one of the early pioneers of the theory of evolution, has had his work paraphrased by stating that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.  This is an important distinction for those who misattribute the concept of “survival […]

Cheap Weight Loss Part 8: The Gut Flora Connection

In a previous post we explored the fascinating world of the microbiome – the symbiotic organisms populating the human gut which provide manifold digestive and immunological benefits.  To be optimally healthy, we must make friends with our gut flora, stop beating them down with unnecessary antibiotic drugs and cleaning agents, and give these critters an […]

Infections Part 1: The Landscape

Microbes have been here long before us and will likely continue to thrive long after we are gone.  They are the building blocks of life on Earth and it is speculated that their evolution into more complex structures has given rise to the mitochondria organelle found throughout cells of the mammalian body.  This would imply […]