Tag: adrenal

The Cure for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and multi-faceted disorder.  In treating patients over the years who've come into the office with this diagnosis, I have observed a wide variety in the signs and symptoms that get lumped under this label.  Helping these patients takes considerable clinical discernment as there is no single presentation (and therefore treatment) that […]

A Thanksgiving Experiment

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and since I haven’t been up all night shopping Black Friday sales, I have the energy to relate my Thanksgiving experiment.  It was our first time as a family hosting a holiday meal and we put a lot of effort (my wife mostly) into designing a menu that would be […]

Ahhhhhhh Chooooooo!

Allergy season is upon us and while some greet spring with a deep breath, others suffer with red puffy  and drippy eyes, sneezing, and congestion.  You would think that an allergic reaction is genetic; some people have allergies and some don’t, and it tends to run in families.  However, clinical evidence supports the notion that […]

Asthma and Adrenal Cortex Insufficiency

Asthma is one of the most debilitating issues common to both children and adults.  The feeling of suffocation during an acute asthma attack is frightening to all involved, quickly motivating all in attendance to implement any and all strategies to prevent a future occurrence.  Rendering the body more resilient as a means of prevention, holistic […]

Infections Part 2: Treatment

After understanding the landscape of chronic infections, we need to turn our attention to strategies to boost immunity, treat the infection directly, or both.  But how do chronic infections take root to begin with?     With a robust immune system, many acute infections can be overcome efficiently, and recovery, rapid.  Such is the case […]