
Gluten, Gut Bugs, and Cortisol – Oh My!

In the last post we explored the curious and complex world of digestion.  Having completed that primer, we can discuss some common conditions that compromise gut function.  Specific to the small intestine are two very insidious pathologies that can develop over the course of years but seemingly manifest with symptoms overnight.  These conditions are dysbiosis […]

Home Remedy: Sauerkraut

Teeming with life and full of bubbly deliciousness, sauerkraut is digestive vigor in a jar.  Cheap to make and easy to prepare, one head of cabbage yields about a quart of sauerkraut and trillions of beneficial bacteria to supplement your gut flora.  In addition, cabbage is high in the amino acid glutamine which is the […]

Going Against the Grain: Our Baby’s First Foods

Followers of the Cheap Medicine Blog know that one of the cornerstones of vibrant health is access to and consumption of whole nutrient-dense foods.  It should come as no surprise then that choosing the first foods for our baby daughter would be going against the grain – literally and figuratively. Most Moms and Dads of […]

Heat or Ice?

One item of contention between practitioners of Western and Eastern medicine is whether to use heat or ice on an area of pain.  Whether the pain be acute or chronic, the standard line from most chiropractors, physical therapists, and doctors is to put ice on the affected area.  We are told that cold reduces swelling […]

Hydrating Yourself to Death

We have been told that we are mostly made up of water and that we should drink a minimum of 64 ounces a day to maintain hydration; perhaps more if we are active and sweat a lot.  Being a skeptic of standardized recommendations that negate our body’s wisdom and its numerous means to communicate to […]

Ahhhhhhh Chooooooo!

Allergy season is upon us and while some greet spring with a deep breath, others suffer with red puffy  and drippy eyes, sneezing, and congestion.  You would think that an allergic reaction is genetic; some people have allergies and some don’t, and it tends to run in families.  However, clinical evidence supports the notion that […]

Three Kinds of Pain

Pain is a sensory phenomena.  Irrespective of its cause, pain is a message, mediated by the nervous system to relay information about the state of the body.  Simply put, pain is the body’s way of communicating to us that something is wrong.  Since your body doesn’t speak english (or any other language for that matter) […]