Month: January 2024


Currently in the United States, cancer is the cause of death of one out of every four people, and by some estimates, will increase as much as 50% by the year 2020.  Although malignancy has always been an affliction of humanity, these statistics of epidemic proportion are likely out of sync with the rates of […]

How Essential Are Essential Oils?

How Essential Are Essential Oils?

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.6″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Essential oils are an ancient medicine. They have not been used as long as herbal medicine, given the distillation technology necessary to derive the oil, but their roots are still very old. There is documented use by Islamic physicians in […]

Cut the Hope Rope: Choose Freedom Over Fear After a Cancer Diagnosis

Cut the Hope Rope: Choose Freedom Over Fear After a Cancer Diagnosis

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.13″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”18px” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] “I got complacent. Don’t ever let that happen to you.” These were the words of advice offered to me by a patient when reflecting on his second encounter with cancer. The first was a lymphoma diagnosis 10 years prior, and recent […]

Accumulating Cancer: Little Compromises and Big Implications

Accumulating Cancer: Little Compromises and Big Implications

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.19.13″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”18px” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] What if cancer, like so many chronic diseases, is an accumulation of little compromises?  Sometimes cancer has a big, blatant cause—like radiation exposure. Other times the cause is unclear and its inception insidious. Without an obvious etiology, conventional oncology […]

My Anticancer Smoothie Recipe

My Anticancer Smoothie Recipe

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.19.13″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”18px” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] During a recent lecture about my experience living with a small bowel obstruction, I shared my anti-cancer smoothie recipe. Full of raw nutrition and healthy fats that fuel me until midday, this smoothie is formulated for its ease of digestion […]

The Cancer Continuum: Finding Your Own Way

The Cancer Continuum: Finding Your Own Way

Expand what composes a cancer promoting or anticancer lifestyle; think beyond that black and white dichotomy.

Yes, it is helpful when the choices are clear cut—smoking causes lung cancer, broccoli sprouts are anticancer—yet there is a lot of gray area in between.  What happens when something contributes to cancer formation in one individual but prevents it in another? What if that thing does both in the same person dependent upon degree?

Reduce Microbiome Damage from Antibiotics with Probiotics and Prebiotics

Reduce Microbiome Damage from Antibiotics with Probiotics and Prebiotics

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.6″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Antibiotics are lifesaving but have significant negative health consequences, reducing populations of beneficial gut flora along with the pathogenic microbes they are prescribed to target. This side effect can be hedged while on a course of antibiotics, and restorative strategies […]

Healing Asthma: Breathing Pattern Disorders

Healing Asthma: Breathing Pattern Disorders

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.13″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”18px” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Breathe. Is your inhalation and exhalation soft, slow, and even? Is it calm, almost imperceptible?  Each breath should travel through the nose, which warms and regulates airflow into our lungs. Mouth breathing causes over-breathing and excess carbon dioxide loss. Even […]

Air Purification for Optimal Health

Air Purification for Optimal Health

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.6″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] It’s harder to breathe easy these days.  You may think indoor air quality is an issue only in developing countries, where particulate matter from the burning of biomass such as wood or charcoal was estimated to result in 1.5 to 2 million deaths in […]